Feb 15, 2022

We sponsor your project!

You are running a personal or open source project? That's great! We'd like to grant you a sponsorship.

We love the web and would like to sponsor your non commercial personal/open source projects with a free plan.

Please take the following actions to qualify for a sponsorship

  1. Add one of these badges in the footer to each site page.
  2. If it is an open source project please also add a badge to the repository's README file.
  3. Get in touch with us once you added the badge and we will provide a coupon code.
Social share images by Websnap Social share images by Websnap
<!-- dark version -->
<a href="https://www.websnap.app?utm_campaign=badge">
    <img src="https://www.websnap.app/assets/img/badges/websnap-badge-dark.svg" alt="Social share images by Websnap">

<!-- light version -->
<a href="https://www.websnap.app?utm_campaign=badge">
    <img src="https://www.websnap.app/assets/img/badges/websnap-badge-light.svg" alt="Social share images by Websnap">

Please contact support@websnap.app for further questions.